January 2024
2024 is not just an election year. It’s perhaps the election year.”
“Globally, more voters than ever in history will head to the polls as at least 64 countries (plus the European Union)—representing a combined population of about 49% of the people in the world—are meant to hold national elections, the results of which, for many, will prove consequential for years to come.”
(Koh Ewe—Time Magazine, December 28th 2023)
May 2023
We have officially buttoned up our 2022-2023 school year and look forward to a big summer.
Vacation Bible School is first up - JUNE 19-21 FROM 5-8:00PM. Registration is open at fmclamesa.com
Elevate Elementary Camp at Camp Butman, July 10-14, Monday-Friday for incoming 4th-6th Grade
Camp Nova at Ceta Canyon, July 10-14, Monday-Friday for grades 7-12
April 2023
As we continue to work on our understanding of what is popularly called “The Ser-mon on the Mount” (but the Bible calls it “The Gospel of the Kingdom) let us be reminded that the above verses are what we are aiming at when we say we are in training for greatness as a church.
March 2023
The Gospel of the Kingdom calls believers to go into strict training for greatness. The church is the God ordained training ground where this is to take place. Training for greatness can only happen in the context of the gathered body of Jesus Christ. It cannot happen in isolation.
February 2023
Yes, church family, Kairos IS coming to our beautiful church March 15-19! What an opportunity to truly BE the hands and feet of Jesus, to BE “Disciple Makers”, as Kendall has repeatedly encouraged us to be-come. Like Jesus.
What is Kairos…if it is coming here…why? who? and what is my “opportunity”?
January 2023
2023 has taken off like Brock Purdy. I’m sure you saw the newspaper article that First Methodist had sold our Reality building to the city. That all happened in less than a week. Let me explain.